As you may have heard, a group of Vietnam veterans have formed a group called "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" (a name I keep getting confused because at I swear that at some point I heard of a group called "Swift Boat Veterans for Kerry". And because I'm not entirely sure what a "swift boat" is, besides the obvious) that is claiming that during the Vietnam war, John Kerry was an evil, lying coward. They've even created and bought air time for a TV commercial to that effect, and next week one of the swift vets is releasing a book arguing the same thing.
Is it true? Damnd if I know, and it's not something I want to delve into much. Bush is driving this country into the ground, and I'm supposed to change my vote because Kerry is vain and made up stories to get medals? No thanks, I live in Sanity Land.
But on it's face, the whole swift boat veterans thing seems shady. Mainly because the swift veterans who served on Kerry's boat all think he's great... and all these guys who hate him were not on his boat. Seems suspicious, no?
Add to that, the fact that one of these anti-Kerry veterans has now retracted his statements. And that one of the anti-Kerry book's authors was recruited by the Nixon administration to defuse Kerry as an anti-war figure. And that the other author is a certifiable right-wing nutjob (e.g. on Al Gore and Hillary Clinton, nutjob says "Mullah Ali'Gore-ah is very proud of his new Bin Laden beard and he hopes others in the Democratic Party will follow his lead. Hell-ary is disappointed she cannot grow a beard, but her press secretary reminds us she can still enroll in flight school." Get that man a Napoleon hat).
But frankly that's all conjecture. I have made zero effort to figure out who's telling the truth here. If you want take on that challenge, here is a good place to start. And then if you want, you can jump into the fray and argue about the issue over on Kevin Drum's blog. My favorite part is one commenter's mixed, shaken, and stirred metaphor:
"All you pots calling the republicans fools ought to take a good look in the mirror because I think there's been a good dose of koolaid passed around to both sides."
It's a thing of beauty. has an article on this and it is, as snopes always has been, non-partisan and shows that many vets dont like Kerry, but all who served with him and his commanders gave great remarks.
So really it is a partisan thing.
Posted by: Buddy at August 7, 2004 10:16 AMYeah... This is just another silly partisan volley. It is really interesting to note that the folks on the anti-Kerry site are other officers --not guys that served under him. Some jealousy over his medals/fame/etc. perhaps? Or, more likely, just a bunch of conservatives that happened to get in a picture with Kerry 30 years ago?
You make a good point there too... Just how important is this crap that happened over 30 years ago and why should it have any bearing on my electoral decision? Somehow, 30 years later, these guys are authorities on Kerry's presidential fitness? Right...
I'm not voting for some kid in Vietnam, I'm voting for the guy that isn't mixing religion, bigotry, and fascism* into his politics.
*Try Googling "fascism corporatism and Mussolini"
morality is the base of our political system. religion is the basis of morality. fascism? i wish you knew what its really like to live in a fascist country, but if you did, you would be killed for this web site
Posted by: brett at August 20, 2004 01:23 PMWhen they debate(Kerry vs Bush) let them be questioned on Basic Military Requirements(BMR);Uniform Code of Miitary Justice;small arms;survival at sea; or anything that would
prove they served. Then prove their leadership qualitys, and explain leadership failures. Mr. Bush has failed us all. I'm waiting for the Republicans to wake up and smell the coffee.
Take Care of bringing truth to America....
When they debate(Kerry vs Bush) let them be questioned on Basic Military Requirements(BMR);Uniform Code of Miitary Justice;small arms;survival at sea; or anything that would
prove they served. Then prove their leadership qualitys, and explain leadership failures. Mr. Bush has failed us all. I'm waiting for the Republicans to wake up and smell the coffee.
Take Care of bringing truth to America....
When they debate(Kerry vs Bush) let them be questioned on Basic Military Requirements(BMR);Uniform Code of Miitary Justice;small arms;survival at sea; or anything that would
prove they served. Then prove their leadership qualitys, and explain leadership failures. Mr. Bush has failed us all. I'm waiting for the Republicans to wake up and smell the coffee.
Take Care of bringing truth to America....
When they debate(Kerry vs Bush) let them be questioned on Basic Military Requirements(BMR);Uniform Code of Miitary Justice;small arms;survival at sea; or anything that would
prove they served. Then prove their leadership qualitys, and explain leadership failures. Mr. Bush has failed us all. I'm waiting for the Republicans to wake up and smell the coffee.
Take Care of bringing truth to America....
Check out the truth at the swift boat forums!
Posted by: Link for swift boat veteran forums... at August 27, 2004 12:41 AMi watched the 1971 debates,i think you should watch them if it comes on cspan again.see the coldness and uncaring kerry, when he was told "you know there will be a blood bath in south vietnam if we leave suddenly"check it out yourselves.he said he meet with the viet cong leaders and had assurances from north vietnam that that would not happen.but thats not even my issue .what he said next was!!!!
i would tell you what he said, but to much would be lost, you must see his comment on that and judge for your self .billie
How do I make a donation to the Swift Boat Veterans. I spent 13 months in Korea, I know what it was like, and I support your cause, big time. Keep up the good work, it's driving Kerry, and the rest of clowns crazy.
Semper Fi
Jack Keery
Posted by: Jon Hurron at November 3, 2004 12:46 PMLying Media Bastards is both a radio show and website. The show airs Mondays 2-4pm PST on, and couples excellent music with angry news commentary. And the website, well, you're looking at it. Both projects focus on our media-marinated world, political lies, corporate tyranny, and the folks fighting the good fight against these monsters. All brought to you by Jake Sexton, The Most Beloved Man in America ®. contact: |
Media News |
December 01, 2004Media MamboThe Great Indecency Hoax- last week, we wrote about how the "massive outcry" to the FCC about a racy Fox TV segment amounted to letters from 20 people. This week, we look at the newest media scandal, the infamous "naked back" commercial. On Monday Night Football, last week, ABC aired an ad for it's popular "Desperate Housewives" TV show, in which one of the actresses from the show attempted to seduce a football player by removing the towel she was wearing to bare her body to him. All the audience saw, however, was her back. No tits, no ass, no crotch, just her back. No one complained. The next Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh told his shocked viewers how the woman had appeard in the commercial "buck naked". Then, the FCC received 50,000 complaints. How many of them actually saw this commercial is anyone's guess. The article also shows the amazing statistics that although the Right is pretending that the "22% of Americans voted based on 'moral values'" statistic shows the return of the Moral Majority, this is actually a huge drop from the 35% who said that in the 2000 election or the 40% who said that in 1996 (when alleged pervert Bill Clinton was re-elected). This fact is so important I'm going to mention it over in the main news section too. Brian Williams may surprise America- Tom Brokaw's replacement anchor, Brian Williams, dismissed the impact of blogs by saying that bloggers are "on an equal footing with someone in a bathroom with a modem." Which is really funny, coming out of the mouth of a dude who's idea of journalism is to read words out loud off a teleprompter. Seriously, if parrots were literate, Brian Williams would be reporting live from the line outside the soup kitchen. In related news, Tom Brokaw has quit NBC Nightly News, and it appears that unlike his predecessor, the new guy can speak without slurring words like a drunk. PR Meets Psy-Ops in War on Terror- in February of 2002, Donald Rumsfeld announced the creation of the Office of Strategic Influence, a new department that would fight the war on terror through misinformation, especially by lying to journalists. Journalists were so up in arms about this that the Pentagon agreed to scrap the program. Don't you think that an agency designed to lie to the public might lie about being shut down, too? This article gives some examples about the US military lying to the press for propaganda and disinformation purposes. Tavis Smiley leaving NPR in December- African-American talk show host Tavis Smiley is opting to not renew his daily talk show on National Public Radio. He criticized his former employers for failing to: "meaningfully reach out to a broad spectrum of Americans who would benefit from public radio but simply don’t know it exists or what it offers ... In the most multicultural, multi-ethnic and multiracial America ever, I believe that NPR can and must do better in the future." He's 100% correct. NPR is white. Polar bear eating a marshmallow at the mayonaise factory white. And the reason it's so white is that it is trying to maintain an affluent listener base (premoniantly older white folks) who will donate money to their stations. This is a great paradox of American public broadcasting, that they have a mandate to express neglected viewpoints and serve marginalized communities, but those folks can't donate money in the amounts that the stations would like to see. U.S. Muslim Cable TV Channel Aims to Build Bridges- it sounds more positive than it is "Bridges TV" seems to simultaneously be a cable channel pursuing an affluent American Muslim demographic, and a way of building understanding and tolerance among American non-Muslims who might happen to watch the channel's programming. I was hoping it would be aimed more at Muslim's worldwide, but it ain't. Still, I'd be interested in seeing how their news programs cover the issues. Every Damned Weblog Post Ever- it's funny cuz it's true. Wikipedia Creators Move Into News- Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created collectively by thousands of contributors. It's one of those non-profit, decentralized, collective, public projects that show how good the internet can be. Now, the Wikipedia founders are working on a similar project to create a collaborative news portal, with original content. Honestly, it's quite similar to IndyMedia sites (which reminds me, happy 5th birthday, IndyMedia!). I'll admit, I'm a bit skeptical about the Wikinews project, though. IndyMedia sites work because they're local, focused on certain lefty issues, and they're run by activists invested in their beliefs. I'm not sure what would drive Wikinews or how it would hang together. CBS, NBC ban church ad inviting gays- the United Church of Christ created a TV ad which touts the church's inclusion, even implying that they accept homosexuals into their congregation. Both CBS and NBC are refusing to air the ad. This is not too surprising, as many Americans are uncomfortable about homosexuality, and because TV networks are utter cowards. But CBS' explanation for the ban was odd: "Because this commercial touches on the exclusion of gay couples...and the fact that the executive branch has recently proposed a Constitutional amendment to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman, this spot is unacceptable for broadcast." Whoa, what? First of all, the ad does not mention marriage at all. Second, since when do positions opposite of the Executive Branch constitute "unacceptable"? This doesn't sound like "we're not airing this because it's controversial", this sounds like "we're afraid of what the President might say." More Media News |
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"It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of what he was never reasoned into." -Jonathan Swift |
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Damn. That joke would have been much funnier if I'd said "apprentice" instead of "intern". |